Undertake feasibility study, detail design, procurement, construction supervision and technical support of the Rail Load-out Infrastructure forming part of the Tweefontein Optimization Project.
Convert the previous six track linear yard siding at Minnaar Station situated between Ogies and Blackhill into a load-out facility operated on the balloon type railway loading principle fed via a new reclaim conveyor from the optimized Tweefontein Coal Handling Process Plant. Phase 1 was to allow a run-off line of 2 850m from the Transnet mainline followed by the balloon loading line. This was followed by phase 2 expansion which included the provision of an additional arrivals line parallel to the departure line allowing the accommodation of two 100 wagon export trains in the siding at any given time, while also preparing the siding for future 200 wagon trains.
The siding is serviced by Transnet Freight Rail (TFR). Trains are hauled into the siding, around the balloon in an anti-clockwise direction, through the load-out station and out of the siding by TFR. TFR locomotives remain coupled to the train at all times. TFR operates with 100 number CCL-5/7/8/9-wagon trains hauled by 4 number 10E or 19E Electric Locomotives for export to Richards Bay. Each wagon carries a pay load of 84 tons or a gross weight of 104 tons per wagon which results in 26 tons per axle (tpa).
Trains for the transportation of inland coal consist of 50 number CFL-1/3 wagon trains. The train consist of inland trains may vary subject to length of final destination sidings to be serviced and lengths of passing loops on a specific route. The project focused around the operational design and included all earthworks, civil works, permanent way, overhead traction equipment, power feed, switching, signalling and yard lighting from feasibility through to commissioning.